I'm having a senior moment and can't seem to figure out how to handle the following.
My business object has 4 properties.
I need to write a rule that checks that the sum of the 4 properties cannot exceed 24. I know there is the Dependency, but I'm not sure how to set everything up for this scenario.
Any suggestions greatly appreciated.
Try something like this. It can be fleshed out a little more, but the basic idea is there.
public class TotalSumMyObjectColumnsRule : BusinessRule {
public TotalSumMyObjectColumnsRule(Csla.Core.IPropertyInfo primaryProperty, Csla.Core.IPropertyInfo[] secondaryProperties)
: base(primaryProperty) {
InputProperties = new List<Csla.Core.IPropertyInfo> { primaryProperty };
protected override void Execute(RuleContext context) {
MyObject target = context.Target as MyObject;
if (target != null) {
MyObjectList targetList = target.Parent as MyObjectList;
if (targetList != null) {
var sum = context.InputPropertyValues.Select(o => (double)o.Value).Where(object => o.Key != PrimaryProperty).Sum();
//if there is a match, then error
if (sum > 24) {
"Total sum is The combination cannot exceed 24");
Thank you. That definitely appears that it will do the trick. I'll try it out once I get back to my code. What would the AddRule look like?
I appreciate the help.
new TotalSumMyObjectColumnsRule(MyPrimaryProperty, new Csla.Core.IPropertyInfo
[] {propXProperty, propYProperty, propZProperty}));
There's a couple of possible bugs in the previous posts (f.ex: you cannot set the error message on one of the summary fields as the PrimaryProperty is excluded from the sum).
My preference is like this:
public class SumMax<T> : BusinessRule where T : IComparable { public T Max { get; private set; }
public SumMax(IPropertyInfo primaryProperty, T max, params IPropertyInfo[] inputProperties) : base(primaryProperty) { Max = max; InputProperties = new List<IPropertyInfo>(); InputProperties.AddRange(inputProperties); } protected override void Execute(RuleContext context) { // Use linq Sum to calculate the sum value var sum = context.InputPropertyValues.Sum(property => (dynamic)property.Value); if (Max.CompareTo(sum) > 0) context.AddErrorResult(string.Format("Sum cannot exceed {0}", Max)); } }
BusinessRules.AddRule(new SumMax<decimal>(Num1Property, 24,
Num1Property, Num2Property, Num3Property, Num4Property));
Nice solution. I like it.
Thanks both of you. I think either solution could work, but have ended up using the second approach. I appreciate it.
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