I've a datagrid bound to a DynamicBindingList and the data comes up fine; however, when I make a change to a row and navigate to a different row it isn't triggering an update. I expected the binding behavior to do that. Break points indicate the property is actually being changed - so the object bound to the row has a property that is changed on it, it's just that the DataPortal_Update is never triggered.
Anyone have a working sample of this along with teh XAML. I'm using MVVM so maybe that's an issue ore perhaps the use of static resource/collection view source is the issue?
Page 130 of CSLA 4 Data Access
I'm not sure with MVVM if I have to manually call SaveItem - it appears, according to the text that SaveItem should automatically be triggered by navigation off a row. Maybe I have to handle this by handling a row changed event and triggering this myself? Doesn't seem like that should be necessary.
Found the answer here http://forums.lhotka.net/forums/p/10357/48504.aspx#48504
What a bizarre little bug.
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