i'm switching our WPF-app to CSLA 4.5 .
I have just recompiled the solution with new csla dlls.
We are using the wcf-portal of csla.
Now he Save() - Method of the BusinessListBase-Class blocks the UI-Thread.
If I'm using CSLA locally all went well.
Have anyone a suggestion for me.
we have noticed the same issue here as well and have been looking into this today.
It appears that in the call to the Update method in WcfProxy.cs the isSync flag is set to false.
I don't have a fix for this though.
The Save method is synchronous, so it should block the thread.
The BeginSave or SaveAsync methods are async and so should not block the thread.
However, if you are using the local data portal, you'll need to make sure your DataPortal_Fetch method is an async method (private async Task) or _it_ will be invoked synchronously, and that'll also block the calling thread.
Hello Rocky,
Thany You for Your response.
It is not hte problem that the Save method is synchronous.
The problem is that the call to the Save method never returns if im using the WcfProxy.
If I'm using the same call to the Save method locally it works well.
// TestTableList := BusinessListBase
TestTableList myList = TestTableList.New();
// this line is never reached if using the WcfProxy
And this is with the final release of 4.5?
I ask, because there was a bug that caused this in one or more of the pre-releases.
Yes Sir.
I've downloaded the Installer (4.5.10) from http://www.lhotka.net/cslanet/download.aspx
Here are the properties of the csla.dll:
Description : CSLA.NET for Windows (server) and .NET4
FileVersion :
Product : CSLA.NET
ProductVersion :
Copyright : Copyright 2010-2012 Marimer LLC
Size : 463 KB
Date : 10/24/2012 5:50pm
I'm able to confirm that there's a bug here. I'll add it to the bug list.
Has this been fixed in the latest release?
I have just come up against this same issue.
The Save method of the BusinessListBase never returns when using WCF. There appears to be no error on the server.
Yes, it will be in the 4.5.30 release
Awesome. Thanks for the quick response.
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