I have created ProjectManagement.Library,ProjectManagement.Dal, ProjectManagement.DalEf, ProjectManagement.Library.Sl, ProjectManagement.Test.Library, WcfAppServer projects successfully. All the tests gives correct output. I have created a ProjectManagementUI by using silverlight. But when i run the application,it gives an error as " Object type or assembly could not be loaded(ProjectManagement.Library.DesignationList,ProjectManagement.Library, Version=, Culture= neutral,PublicKeyToken = null) ". I dont understand that why UI project is giving htis error,while all the tests gives correct output. Please suggest any solution.
Your ProjectManagement.Library.Sl is a Silverlight project, not a .NET project right?
And you have made sure that your ProjectManagement.Library and ProjectManagement.Library.Sl project properties both have the same assembly name and root namespace?
And your ProjectManagementUI project references ProjectManagement.Library.Sl?
Yes,I had already done it..
Hi Rocky...
I solved my problem by re-adding project refferences & assemblies into the each project in the solution...
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