this keyword in TimeStampExtension class

this keyword in TimeStampExtension class

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mayurimalgave posted on Thursday, March 14, 2013

Hi Rocky..

In the " UsingCsla4-05-WPF-SL-v0.4 " ebook, there is a static class TimeStampExtension on page no.68 as given below:

public static class TimeSampExtension


public static bool Matches(this byte[] stamp1,byte[] stamp2)


//other code



I dont understand:

 how does this keyword work?

 why is it used?

JonnyBee replied on Thursday, March 14, 2013


Look up ExtensionMethods and syntax in MSDN. this keyword means that the Matches method is an extension method to byte[] type. 


mayurimalgave replied on Thursday, March 14, 2013

Thanks Jonny..

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