WPF dxGrid Adding NewRow problem

WPF dxGrid Adding NewRow problem

Old forum URL: forums.lhotka.net/forums/t/11886.aspx

AbbasMalik posted on Saturday, March 16, 2013

Just started learning CSLA and trying to build a sample invoice form in WPF using devex grid. But it does not add new row automatically to the grid. Infact it gives an error:
"No parameterless constructor defined for this object".

(1) When I added a public constructor in the child class, it started working fine but I am not sure what code exactly should I write in the constructor without breaking the intended functionality. Is there any other workaround to achieve this functionality?

(2) I have already seen few posts stating that WPF grids lack some standard functionality. What are the other limitations and their workarounds?

(3) Is there any recommended 3rd party WPF components which work best with CSLA?

I am using csla 4.5 and currently not interested in MVVM.


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