tiago posted on Monday, March 25, 2013
It's my pleasure to announce CslaGenFork 4.3 RC was release today.
- CSLA 4.3.13 (Framework .NET 4.0)
Data Portal models:
- Encapsulated Implementation
- Encapsulated Invoke using both variants of DAL, DataReader and DTO
New features since Nightly Build 2012.03.11:
- DeepLoad for all Data Portal models
- Create objects and collections from views and stored procedures
- Creator, Getter and CreatorGetter Unit of Work (for aysnc WPF, Silverlight and stateless web apps)
- Make projects Silverlight ready with one click
- Support for automatic cache invalidation
- Support for updated properties (NVL and RO collection updated after editing an object)
- Improved converted properties (no backing field, smaller objects)
- Much improved pre-generation object validation
- Plus lots of improvements and fixes
Full release notes and download