I use the csla.FilteredBindingList to fill a combobox in my windows form. I choose the option "Use data Bounds" of the combobox and i link it to a database table(Office), then i use the FilteredBindingList method to filter the list. Here is my code.
_accessibleOffices = OfficeList.GetAll
Sub filterAccessibleOffices()
Dim mFiltered As New Csla.FilteredBindingList(Of Office)(_accessibleOffices)
mFiltered.FilterProvider = AddressOf Filtersoffice
mFiltered.ApplyFilter("", _OfficesAccess)
OfficeListBindingSource.DataSource = mFiltered
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox( ex.Message)
End Try
End Sub
Private Function Filtersoffice(ByVal item As Object, ByVal filterValue As List(Of Integer)) As Boolean
Dim result As Boolean = False
....some variable declarations
For Each office As OfficeInfo In officeList
If filterValue.Contains(office.OfficeId) Then
result = True
Return result
End If
Return result
End Function
This code works fine, but for some purposes in my project, i would like to filter the _accessibleOffices list i use as the parameter of the FilteredBindingList. I realised that this method doesnt update this list, it remains the same. I tried this code in the FilteredBindingList method
_accessibleOffices = mFiltered
but it wasn't possible as a conversion.
Any kind of help to achieve my purpose would be very grateful.
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