When I try to serialise the following class, it only contains BasketItem and nothing from Basket.
BusinessListBase is a CSLA class.
Can you tell me why?
public class Basket : BusinessListBase<Basket, BasketItem>
So I get all the properties of a BasketItem but nothing from Basket.
CSLA does not support properties on a list.
If you need business properties on a list you should create
Basket (BusinessBase)
BasketItemList (BusinessListBase)
BasketItem. (BusinessBase)
Basket is what I want and this is not a list.
The point is this:
public class Basket : BusinessListBase<Basket, BasketItem>
Your Basket class is a list class - you must change your structure so that Basket is a BusinessBase with properties and create a new list class to hold BasketItems.
What Jonny is suggesting is change:
Basket (BLB) containing BasketItem (BB) to:
Basket (BB), with whatever additional properties you want, including a property of BasketItemList (BLB) containing BasketItem (BB)
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