tiago posted on Saturday, May 25, 2013
This is a NuGet only release that targets Csla 4.5.x
- Fixes missing Silverlight assemblies on CslaContrib and CslaContrib.MEF packages
- Adds SmartDateExtendedParser on CslaContrib package
Besides standard SmartDate parsing that converts to yesterday, today and tomorrow dates, the extended parser adds parsing for:
- relative days, months and years (eg. "+90" will add 90 days to the current date)
- short form date that is culture sensitive (eg. "0525" converts to "May 25 2013")
- nearest day (eg. "20" converts to "May 20 2013" but "01" converts to Jun 01 2013)
Full specifications for SmartDateExtendedParser on attached file.
How to use the SmartDateExtendedParser?
You just need to declare it once, like this:
Csla.SmartDate.CustomParser = CslaContrib.SmartDateExtendedParser.ExtendedParser;