I have uploaded version 4.5.31 beta to nuget as a prelease.
Change log is here
The most notable changes include:
As with all prereleases, this is only available via nuget. You can always download the source from http://www.cslanet.com if you need the samples, source, or other assets. My current plan is for the next stable release to be around the end of June.
Since Csla 4.5.30 you could use your 4.3.14 non-Silverlight code on the latest Csla version. Provided you changed to NET 4,5, you could enjoy the much faster speed of MobileProxy. The problem is NET 4.5 means VS2012 and not everyone is using VS2012.
Those using NET 4.0 and VS2010, couldn't use the MobileProxy nor the WcfBfProxyHost (aka BinaryFormatter). So they were forced to use the regular WcfProxy that is slow, too much slow. Moving to Csla 4.5 could have very bad results.
Now this is over. Although beta, I consider this release a landmark because now you can
So for me the 4.3.x branch is dead.
By the way, ProjectTracker's WfUI illustrates how to use the MobileProxy.
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