I have come across a problem I am trying to load up multiple business objects to display in the UI. The first call is performed on a background thread but the other calls are on the UI thread. Once this occurs all subsequent calls are on the UI thread. e.g. to keep this simple I am fetching the same BO twice but in reality they are difference BO's.
Settings.BeginGetSettings((o, e) => { });
Settings.BeginGetSettings((o, e) => { });
public class Settings : BusinessBase<Settings>
public static readonly Csla.PropertyInfo<string> WebServiceUrlProperty = RegisterProperty<string>(c => c.WebServiceUrl);
public string WebServiceUrl
get { return ReadProperty(WebServiceUrlProperty); }
set { SetProperty(WebServiceUrlProperty, value); }
public static void BeginGetSettings(EventHandler<Csla.DataPortalResult<Settings>> callback)
private void DataPortal_Fetch()
If you put a breakpoint in DataPortal_Fetch() you will see the first time it is on a background thread and the second time it is on the main/UI thread.
This issue is caused by setting ApplicationContext.LogicalExecutionLocation to Server in Csla.Server.DataPortal. The second call now reads it as Server in Csla.DataPortalClient.LocalProxy resulting in a synchronous call. To make things worst the second call records _oldLocation as Server in Csla.Server.DataPortal since the first call has changed it. Therefore when the second call completes it sets ApplicationContext.LogicalExecutionLocation to Server and now all calls will be synchronous.
I do not know the ins and outs of LocalProxy, DataPortal and how ApplicationContext.LogicalExecutionLocation is meant to work and hence I am cautious of making changes. I suspect Server is important when using remoting which I am not. I can also see that Server is used if a BO makes a call to another BO in the DataPortal_XYZ methods then it would be synchronous which is a good thing.
Any ideas on how to fix this issue?
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