Silverlight Windows Authentification

Silverlight Windows Authentification

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cedric.conte posted on Friday, June 14, 2013

Hi folks,

My organization would like to rely on Windows authentication to secure ours 3 tiers Silverlight applications, in order to provide some level of single sign-on functionality across all workstations.

In my case, the Silverlight hosting server is part of a Windows Active Directory domain and all users credentials and roles are managed as part of that domain. Some ours workstations are not part of the AD but workstations login access use an user account based on the AD credentials.

So, is it possible to authenticate the users against the windows domain (even is the workstation is not part of the domain) with 3 tiers Silverlight application?

In the very good csla ebook (Using CSLA 4: Data Portal Configuration), Rocky explains how to use Windows Authentification with silverlight application. But, I have also read some people use the ActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider for their AD authentication.

I'm wondering, what is the difference between Windows Authentification method use in the csla ebook and ActiveDirectoryMembership ? I would like also yours opinions/advises about what's techniques should be used ?


Thanks in advance for your help,

Best regards,


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