I was wondering if anyone had any experience or opinions on the best way to implement efficient server side queries for very large data sets.
Modern components such as the DataGrids from vendors like Devexpress can consume data exposed via technologies WCF Data Services, Entity Framework, LINQ to SQL etc. providing a very impressive end user experience. Only the data which is required by the UI at any moment is requested and sent down the pipe to the client.
Now while it is natural to use ORM technologies in the DataPortal_XYZ methods for individual Csla business objects, I'm having trouble trying to figure out how Csla lists can fit in with this latest generation of UI controls. I could bypass Csla entirely for queries, but it would be much better if I could keep any data access technology away from the client entirely.
You should find inspiration from the PagedList example in the Samples\Silverlight\cs folder, or here on GitHub
Ah yes - indeed simple server side paging is straight forward, and I have implemented the solution you've directed me to successfully in other projects.
However this is a little more complex, in that the UI components I would like to use consume data exposed by technologies which implement Open Data Protocol (OData). This is where I wondering if anyone had any experience marrying up Csla business objects with data services like these.
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