So CSLA with iOS is in "beta" or in the initial stages of becoming possible - I do believe by looking at a pamphlet from Xamarin that they also drive Mac OS native applications. I have a question out to someone at Xamarin as to whether these would be two different projects and native app buildouts in the solution (I'm guessing they would be).
In thinking about advocating for the Xamarin approach here, I wanted to see what the envisioned CSLA support for Mac OS would be. Is that basically done when iOS became potentially supported or is this another ball of wax?
Right now we support OS X because mono works there and CSLA works on mono.
If Xamarin provides something more specific than mono for OS X then we'll adapt to that as necessary.
Thank you for your reply.
I'm probably missing something - apparently they use MonoMac for Xamarin.Mac.
Xamarin.Mac isn't using mono, then?
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