Binding Child Collection with BeginCollectionItem

Binding Child Collection with BeginCollectionItem

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Iknowmyabc posted on Thursday, May 01, 2014

Hey Guys,

I was wondering if anyone has gotten their child collection to automatically bind when using the BeginCollecitonItem. I am using the latest CSLA and MVC5 and I am having trouble. If I do the default:


[0].Name and such, it works just fine.


But if I use the BeginCollecitonItem


It doesn't pick it up when I try doing the UpdateModel in the controller. It works when I use a generic List<Model>, but when I use the BusinessListBase it doesn't pick it up. 


Again I would appreciate it if anyone has any idea on how I can get this to work. The random index is really nice since I can dynamically add new children on the page.

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