Where is "OrderShipper" ?

Where is "OrderShipper" ?

Old forum URL: forums.lhotka.net/forums/t/12636.aspx

Jav posted on Wednesday, May 21, 2014

UsingCsla4-03-DataAccess.pdf refers to an OrderShipper class (page 151)  in Library.Net project in the EncapsulatedInvoke solution.

I have Csla versions going back to 4.0, but cannot seem to find the OrderShipper anywhere. I also cannot find the EncapsulatedInvoke.sln anywhere.   The only Library.Net project I have come across is in the PagedList.sln.  The Library.Net project in that has nothing called "OrderShipper".

I am looking for an example of DataPortal.BeginExecute.  I would appreciate some help.  Thanks.


Jav replied on Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Please disregard my post.  I found my OrderShipper.  It is in the sample code that Rocky provided with the  eBook.


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