CSLA .NET Contrib 4.5.50 released

CSLA .NET Contrib 4.5.50 released

Old forum URL: forums.lhotka.net/forums/t/12645.aspx

tiago posted on Sunday, May 25, 2014

CslaContrib extension library to CSLA .NET 4.5.50 was published on CodePlex.
This release is version synchronized to CSLA .NET 4.5.501 and is also available on NuGet

Feature highlight



Besides standard SmartDate parsing that converts to yesterday, today and tomorrow dates, the extended parser adds parsing for:

Full specifications for SmartDateExtendedParser on attached file.


How to use the SmartDateExtendedParser?

 You just need to declare it once, like this:

Csla.SmartDate.CustomParser = CslaContrib.SmartDateExtendedParser.ExtendedParser;


ajj3085 replied on Sunday, May 25, 2014

Nice work!  About the version though, is it really .50 or is it .501 to match Csla?

tiago replied on Sunday, May 25, 2014

The version is 4.5.50

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