In my first foray into the CSLA framework, I hacked the framework to get the functionality I was looking for. One of the things I did was add the capability for records to be marked inactive. This allowed the records to continue to exist for historical purposes but also removed them from mainstream processing. I did this by hacking the DataPortal classes as follows:
I added the following to the client side DataPortal
/// <summary>[System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.
SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1062:ValidateArgumentsOfPublicMethods")][System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Globalization", "CA1303:DoNotPassLiteralsAsLocalizedParameters", MessageId = "Framework.DataPortalException.#ctor(System.String,System.Exception,System.Object)")] try
result = proxy.Deactivate(obj, dpContext);
catch (Server.DataPortalException ex)
result = ex.Result;
if (proxy.IsServerRemote)
throw new DataPortalException("DataPortal.Update " + Resources.Failed, ex.InnerException, result.ReturnObject);
if (proxy.IsServerRemote)
OnDataPortalInvokeComplete(new DataPortalEventArgs(dpContext));
return result.ReturnObject;
/// <summary>
/// Called by the business object's Save() method to re-activate an object in the database.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Note that this method returns a reference to the updated business object.
/// If the server-side DataPortal is running remotely, this will be a new and
/// different object from the original, and all object references MUST be updated
/// to use this new object.
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="obj">A reference to the business object to be updated.</param>
/// <returns>A reference to the updated business object.</returns>
result = proxy.Reactivate(obj, dpContext);
catch (Server.DataPortalException ex)
result = ex.Result;
if (proxy.IsServerRemote)
throw new DataPortalException("DataPortal.Update " + Resources.Failed, ex.InnerException, result.ReturnObject);
if (proxy.IsServerRemote)
OnDataPortalInvokeComplete(new DataPortalEventArgs(dpContext));
return result.ReturnObject;
I added the following to the server side DataPortal
/// <summary>I am now trying to subclass the framework. Can anyone think of a way to subclass the frame work and still have this functionality? I can't think of a way without making my own DataPortals.
Is it possible to partial class from a different project?
So if I create a Partial Class for Both the client and server DataPortals and only put in it the code I need to add my functionality. Then in the future when a new version of CSLA comes out, I only have to go modify the DataPortal Classes and make them partial classes.
After further review, I have custom code in the following classes
namespace Csla
static class DataPortalnamespace
class DataPortalMy solution so far has been to make them all partial classes, so I can move my custom code to their own files. I have run into a snag, "public class WebServicePortal". In my hacked up version I had to resort to some trickery to get the class customized. Is there any way to partial the class so I can add my custom code?
Specifically my issue I am having is with WebServiceHost under web references. I need to add some items too it.
I am not not familiar with web services. Is there some way to partial this reference too?
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