I have related roles for my wonderful users, for example,
user.IsInRole("Design") // a product designer/engineer
user.IsInRole("Design_M") //a product/design Manager
So is there a way to get a functionality like
user.IsInRole("Design%") or user.IsInRole("Design*")? The closest I came was building a new object. I don't want to do that. I'd rather use IPrincipal. I'm listing all of the involved roles in the class now and it's a mess.
I don't think there is, but I'm investigating first. Didn't find anything in the old forum or in TechNet or MSDN. I'm also looking into team-based security where if you're not in the team, you cannot edit the project, but I can just iterate through the child collection and see if there's a match (ResourceID) or not.
>>Also, why design_m? Wouldn't Design Manager be more meaningful?
I'm still testing the roles and code we need, but I believe I'll have the Security db under my control in the next week so I can do these kinds of changes. I just didn't like spelling them out in the code. Turns one if statement into lots of lines. Still the custom IPrincipal became local when logged in so it's pretty fast (no ActiveDirectory crap).
I launched a training needs db w/CSLA about 3 weeks ago and (surprise) I've got loads of requests for more development. That means I'll *try* to put all this stuff into a uniform structure with meaningful titles. What a concept. It's like code pearls before swine.
Thanks for the reply...
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