What is goal of CSLAJS?

What is goal of CSLAJS?

Old forum URL: forums.lhotka.net/forums/t/12765.aspx

_pisees_ posted on Wednesday, October 01, 2014


I noticed this project (https://github.com/MarimerLLC/cslajs) and wondering what the goal and status of the project is.

Is to building a JavaScript client for CSLA?

See related discussion regarding WcfProxy and HttpProxy: http://forums.lhotka.net/forums/p/12715/57646.aspx#57646

Thanks very much, Kurt

ajj3085 replied on Thursday, October 02, 2014

I think its an attempt to enable Csla on client-side JavaScript so that it works much the same way as a WPF desktop application would operate when a remote data portal is being used.

RockfordLhotka replied on Sunday, October 12, 2014

Yes, the goal of this project is to explore the idea of creating a pure JavaScript equivalent to CSLA .NET. This will involve the use of something like node.js on the server, along with an implementation of a business rules engine, data binding support, and a data portal with object graph serialization on the client and server.

_pisees_ replied on Monday, October 13, 2014

Great, thanks.

So there are currently not plans for JavaScript client to work with .NET back end?

RockfordLhotka replied on Monday, October 13, 2014

A js client works with a .NET backend now in the context of a service oriented system.

The js client app is what's called an "edge app", which means it is a standalone smart client app running on the client. It makes calls to a service app.

The service app can be written using CSLA .NET and has an interface created using something like Web API. It too is a standalone app that runs on the server and has an interface that is designed for other apps instead of for humans.

sachseb1 replied on Tuesday, October 14, 2014


I mentioned to you an an earlier post, that our team has been working on a solution that does exactly what is described (with some additional nuances, of course, and some other very significant benefits including automatic coupling with the UI) with very little middle layer coding.  

We have most recently competed the architecture to post changes back to the database, from js via the bo within .NET (so, it now couples the ui to all CRUD via BO methods and properties with rule adherence).  The bo framework is less robust than CSLA (and looser coupled, by nature), but, continue to be very excited about the potential overlap and possibilities to incorporate the best of both worlds - or just foster implementation strategy.  

I described the framework in small depth here: http://forums.lhotka.net/forums/t/12754.aspx , but, haven't heard of any interest.  I think we're finally almost at the point where we would like to pursue options to open source it and see if there is any traction / feedback.  I would feel much more comfortable diving into that if I could have a few minutes to discuss with the expert in this arena and strongly believe that it could be mutually beneficial!  I'm curious if you would offer 30 minutes (or a member of your staff) to look at some of the proven results and see if there is any potential with this (and apologize up front for the persistence and/or shameless plugs).


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