Currently we are using CSLA.NET version 4.3 in our applications. Most of the applicaiton are in .NET Framework 4. We are planning to migrate all applicaiton to latest .NET framework 4.5.2
Do we need to migrate CSLA.NET also to its latest version? Is latest CSLA.NET version is backward compatible to older CSLA.NET version?
Or , if we can get list of functionalitie sin CSLA.NET which wont be supported with .NET 4.5?
1. You do not have to upgrade your apps to CSLA 4.5.x in order to use .NET 4.5.2 runtime. (.NET 4.5.x is an in-place upgrade of the .NET runtime).
2. For a list of changes (and breaking changes) you must make a review of the Issues that have been released since your current version.
If you have a customized version of CSLA then you must make the same updates or review your apps to comply with standard CSLA.
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