for example, i would like to implement something like the following. But get the error no overridable method exists and I do not know how to implement this logic. The role object need to be passed to the CanAdd and CanEdit. This works when using the CanGet because I pass in the object as part of the static method.
public override EmployeeEM Save(Role rl)
// origEmp is used to call pending changes with only props that have changed.
if (!IsNew) // only retrieve this original if the record exists !
origEmp = EmployeeEM.GetEmployeeByEmpno(this.LocNo, this.EmpNo);
if (IsNew && !CanAddObject(rl))
throw new System.Security.SecurityException(
"User not authorized to add an Employee Record!");
else if (!CanEditObject(rl))
throw new System.Security.SecurityException(
"User not authorized to update an Employee Record!");
return base.Save();
thanks for your help, stuck on this.
I am doing it in order to make my bo's more efficient. It just so happens that the application I am working on would have over 30000 roles, a userID, and the Location and Division which would grant that user access to the site. Rather than hard code each role, or even populate this section I pass in the role requested through the role object. for example: userId 38322, location 8765 division 1. Since the userId roles was populated in the identity object in the same format I can simply send the userId, and the requested location and division and compare them to the allowed roles maintained in the identity object. I knew of know other way to do this. This way instead of 30000 entries in each "Canxxxx" method, I have very few. for example:
public static bool CanAddObject(Role rl)
bool result = false;
if (Csla.ApplicationContext.User.IsInRole(rl.RockyRole + ":Worksite Manager"))
result = true;
if (Csla.ApplicationContext.User.IsInRole(rl.RockyRole + ":Internal Employee"))
result = true;
return result;
I know it could be improved, but couldnt figure out a different solution. Then I had to figure out a way to make the role available through the insert and save methods. Once again, I had a difficult time with this, and finally made an extra property called currentRole (which i set in the ui, just before the update) and am able to check this property from within the bo. Any suggestions or alternate solutions are greatly appreciated.
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