Example code

Example code

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neogeo posted on Thursday, May 18, 2006

I've been reading the book, and trying to figure out the CSLA Projecttracker code for quite a while now, but I find it quite intimidating, and hard to understand. Are there any smaller text examples available anywhere? I think I need to start with something smaller, to be able to fully understand this. Can anyone help me out with a small self made example. Please mail me at: johansen_oyvind@hotmail.com if you are able to help. Thanks.

LayeredDev replied on Thursday, May 18, 2006

Hi Neogeo,

What you are experiencing is quite natural. The framework is intimidating at first. You just have to experiment with it. Try creating your own business objects. Step through the ProjectTracker code. And remember, it will take between 3 to 9 months to get used to the framework. You just have to keep reading and understanding and learning.

Even with the VB 6 version of the framework, it took me 6 months to really understand what's going on and to start using it in my own projects. And even now I refer back to the book. I have read the VB .net version 1.1 book but I have not implemented it in any projects yet. That was good since the new Version 2 has come out and I won't have to relearn. I can just start with Version 2 of the framework.

Trust me, what you are going through is common. There is a steep learning curve to understanding the framework. But once you understand it, it will be tremendously helpful in creating applications that are solidly built and which use best practices.

Best of luck in your learning endeavours.

Cosmic Ovungal

PS Check out the link to One Little Victory on the Forums page

neogeo replied on Thursday, May 18, 2006

Thank you for your reply LayeredDev. I was afraid somone should tell me what you just did, - that it will take quite alot of time and effort just to understand the framework, and even longer to be able to use it in an effective way.  I understand that Rocky wanted to make a test application that would include most of the functionality in CSLA, but for a guy like me (C# novice), and probably alot of others it would definately be better with more and smaller examples. I bet that would also make more people use the framework in the future. I know Rocky has invested many years in this (almost a decade if I understand correctly) and I'm pretty sure about the qualty of his work. It's just too bad that it's not made more accessible for the not so skilled C# coders like myself. As we also want to use this product.

guyroch replied on Thursday, May 18, 2006

You should also take a look at Barry Bossman's article on top the ChrisD www.OneLittleVictory.com

Barry's article is located at http://www.primos.com.au/primos/Articles/CSLAversion2whatsinitforme/tabid/67/Default.aspx

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