Hey been busy and checked the site and saw the "logo" -- looks good
but the "C" seems to have a bit of a rough spot on the top where the "shine" is.
but aside from that it looks good.
RockfordLhotka:The one here on the forum you mean?
This is because I have no talent with graphics. Really - none at all!
Somehow, in my attempt to wrap the logo graphic with some whitespace above and below (the forum needs a 120px high logo), the logo itself got a little grainy... I assume this is due to GIF compression, but I don't know.
Yeah ! I just saw the blog with the "good" versions
I think when you edited you just made an error...
Hmmm let me see....
Rocky: check you email
1 Gif version
1 Jpg version
gif beeing limited to 256 colors can be a pia, when it cuts the pallete down you have to pic what colors to keep and how to pic them. "Optimised Octree" and "match color" will generally work best for this kind of thing.
I'm no great artist but I know just enough to hack a few things up
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