Hi, I thought I was exceedingly clever with my BO design and everything worked fine until I tried to bind an EditableRootList to a DataGridView. If anybody can help, it would be much appreciated! Here's what I did:
State: EditableRoot
-Products: EditableRootList of Product: EditableChild
Product also contains:
private State _state;
which introduces potential cyclical references.
The problem is that UndoableBase:CopyState() crashes with a stack overflow when I bind Products to a DataGridView. When I remove _state, everything works fine, but I need each of my BOs to have a reference to the top most BO so they can traverse the tree and access other objects as necessary. How can I fix my problem?
PS. I'm using CSLA 2.1 RC1, it looks really nice! I'm looking forward to using the filtered lists in a few days, just what I needed!
Never mind...
[NotUndoable()] fixed my problem!
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