NameValueList question

NameValueList question

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Pradeep posted on Monday, October 02, 2006

I have the following lookup items
Key   Value
----   ------
10   Open
20   InProcess
30   Completed
40   Terminated
I loaded this into NameValueList. But when I try to query the list by index, example MyList[20], it is not searching by the key. I am getting index out of range exception.I think that makes sense.
So what I am doing is, inside my property's get method, I am using a for loop to loop through all the key's and see which key matches. Then get the index of that and find the value.
Just wondering if there is any other easy way (one line code), to do this. Also I am worried that looping through a list of 100 values everytime might be a performance issue.
Please let me know how you guy's do this. Is there more elegant way?
Thank You

malloc1024 replied on Monday, October 02, 2006

MyList[20]  retrieves the 20 item  in the list.  You get an error because you only have 4 in your list.  Yes, looping through the list is the appropriate way to handle this situation.  An alterative is to use a hash table if you don’t want to loop.

Brian Criswell replied on Monday, October 02, 2006

This is all the .NET framework does for its Find methods, so I would not worry about searching 100 items.  If all you are doing is checking a single property each time through the list, you will blink and miss it finishing.  I think you are going in a good direction with this.  Make it work, then optimize it if you actually need to do so.

xal replied on Monday, October 02, 2006

NameValueLists have a "Value()" method that take the id as a parameter.

Like: myNvl.Value(someId).


Pradeep replied on Monday, October 02, 2006

Thank You guy's.
I don't see a value property. I see valuelist property. But again, I am using 1.5 version. May be the value property is in 2.0 version.

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