CSLA & Authorization Manager (AzMan)

CSLA & Authorization Manager (AzMan)

Old forum URL: forums.lhotka.net/forums/t/1391.aspx

AdrenalineWerks posted on Wednesday, October 04, 2006

We are developing a new application and have chosen to use Microsoft's Authorization Manager (AzMan) to manage the mapping of operation to user roles. Our main requirement driving this is: Administrators of the application can create new roles based upon user needs; a role is a collection of tasks and operations defined by the application.

In order to easily manage AzMan, we have created a static Operations class which works in conjunction with an improved AzManProvider. Instead of passing a role name, we pass an operation. For example, Operations.IsUserAuthorized(1001). The static class calls the imporved AzManProvider, which in turn calls the AzMan API. Eventually a boolean result is returned indicating whether or not the user is authorized to perform this function.

In order for this to work with CSLA, we would like to create our own implementation of the IAuthorizeReadWrite functions (CanReadProperty and CanWriteProperty) which call our Operations class. This interface is implemented on the CSLA Business Class.

My initial though was create a new class derived from BusinessBase, however, this would also require us to re-implement the generic classes () as well so they derive from our custom BusinessBase. Not a perfect solution.

Another solution would be to override the IAuthorizeReadWrite functions in each of our code generated classes, but I don't like this approach since we'll end up with a lot of code duplication.

My final idea involved changing CSLA, something we're trying not to do, and make the IAuthorizeReadWrite functions into more of a provider pattern. This would allow other users to also change out the security model as needed.

What are everyone's thoughts? Is there an easier way that I'm missing? Which solution would you implement?

Roger Wilson

RockfordLhotka replied on Wednesday, October 04, 2006

I recommend (in general, not just for your case) that people create subclasses of all 7 CSLA base classes. These subclasses are your base classes, from which your business objects derive.

This technique (even if these new base classes are empty), allows you to customize and extend CSLA behavior.

In your case, I specifically made CanReadProperty() and CanWriteProperty() virtual/Overridable so you could do what you want to do. And the way you tap into this extensibility, is by creating your own base classes that subclass my base classes.

There've been a couple other threads about this sort of thing - including a relatively recent one (1-2 weeks old) discussing the specific syntax needed to subclass the generic base classes provided by CSLA.

AdrenalineWerks replied on Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Okay, just to make sure I understand. Instead of subclassing Core.BusinessBase, I should subclass the 7 generic classes and add my custom implementations to the 7 subclasses.

Specifically, the 7 classes being: BusinessBase<T>, BusinessListBase<T>, CommandBase<T>,  EditableRootListBase<T>, NameValueListBase<T>, ReadOnlyBase<T>, and ReadOnlyListBase<T>

Thanks for the prompt reply.

Roger Wilson

RockfordLhotka replied on Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Yes, that is exactly correct. For instance:

public abstract class MyBusinessBase<T> : BusinessBase<T> where T : MyBusinessBase<T>


JoeFallon1 replied on Thursday, October 05, 2006


Are you still considering implementing a Delegate for IsReadAllowed so that it would call a Function IsInRole(user As IPrincipal, role As String)?

We had discussed this about 6 weeks ago and you mentioned it was too late for version 2.1. I just want to know if you have followed up on the idea.

The benefit of this would be to allow people to use 99% of the CSLA framework for Authorization and still extend it. The alternative is a complete re-write of the Authorization (or use of AzMan or ...).

e.g. IsInRole returns True/False for the list of Roles. But I also have a list of Permissions and I want to be able to call user.HasPermission("somePerm"). If I Override CanReadProperty I can only call IsInRole. I can't call HasPermission without re-writing the CSLA Authorization code. By using a Delegate function deep in the framework, I should be able to call HasPermission without having to re-build what Rocky already built.



RockfordLhotka replied on Thursday, October 05, 2006

Yes Joe, I am still considering this, and will likely put it into 2.1.1 or 2.1.2 or something - relatively soon, but after I've done any required stabilization of 2.1.

From: JoeFallon1 [mailto:cslanet@lhotka.net]
Sent: Thursday, October 05, 2006 7:58 AM
To: rocky@lhotka.net
Subject: Re: [CSLA .NET] CSLA & Authorization Manager (AzMan)


Are you still considering implementing a Delegate for IsReadAllowed so that it would call a Function IsInRole(user As IPrincipal, role As String)?

We had discussed this about 6 weeks ago and you mentioned it was too late for version 2.1. I just want to know if you have followed up on the idea.

The benefit of this would be to allow people to use 99% of the CSLA framework for Authorization and still extend it. The alternative is a complete re-write of the Authorization (or use of AzMan or ...).

e.g. IsInRole returns True/False for the list of Roles. But I also have a list of Permissions and I want to be able to call user.HasPermission("somePerm"). If I Override CanReadProperty I can only call IsInRole. I can't call HasPermission without re-writing the CSLA Authorization code. By using a Delegate function deep in the framework, I should be able to call HasPermission without having to re-build what Rocky already built.



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