App Server Client-side Failover?

App Server Client-side Failover?

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cruachan posted on Thursday, October 05, 2006

Hello All,

Does anyone know how we can configure our application to revert to a 2-tier client/db server architecture if our middle tier IIS server stops functioning?

Our App.Config file has the neccessary lines in it to point the application to the middle tier, we've written error handlers so that if the middle tier goes down, that the application tells the user in a friendly way.  What I would like to happen is somehow change the app settings programatically so that the application switches to 2-tier without rewriting or pushing out a new app.config file that does not include the settings: CslaDataPortalProxy and CslaDataPortalUrl.

I tried the appsettings.remove method, but an error surfaced saying the properties were readonly.

Any suggestions how to do this?  Is it possible to switch this property at runtime?



RockfordLhotka replied on Thursday, October 05, 2006

The data portal actually caches the proxy to the server-side object (see Chapter 4), so none of the existing data portal channels can do what you want.

The solution has been discussed before, for a similar issue, and involves creating your own data portal proxy class to augment my functionality.

AdrenalineWerks replied on Friday, October 06, 2006

You could load balance both your front and middle tiers. This would require software or hardware load balancing, but if one of the servers went down the load balancing would automatcially direct the requests to the other server in the tier.


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