<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<object name="Venue" type="EditableRoot">
<property name="Id" type="Guid" dbColumnName="VenueGuid" isIdentity="false" isPrimaryKey="true" isRequired="true"/>
<property name="DisplayName" type="string" default="string.Empty" dbColumnName="DisplayName" isRequired="true" maxSize="50"/>
<property name="UpcomingActivities" type="VenueActivities" access="public" isCslaClass="true" isCollection="true" isReadOnly="true" />
<object name="VenueActivity" type="ReadOnlyChild" parent="Venue">
<property name="Id" type="Guid" dbColumnName="VenueGuid" isIdentity="false" isPrimaryKey="true" isRequired="true"/>
<property name="DisplayName" type="string" default="string.Empty" dbColumnName="DisplayName" isRequired="true" maxSize="50"/>
<object name="VenueActivities" type="ReadOnlyChildList" child="VenueActivity" parent="Venue">
<property name="DisplayName" type="string" dbColumnName="DisplayName" isFilterKey="true"/>
Thanks for the clarification. We will probably change the object model to have UpcomingActivites be a ReadOnlyBaseList and remove the ReadOnly objects from the Venue. This will allow us to look up UpcomingActivites using Venue as a criteria and get re-use by allowing a date range as a different critera.
Roger Wilson
You can't an Editable object to be the parent of read only objects. Change VenueActivities and VenueActivity to EditableChildList and EditableChild.
I'm just starting to use your very nifty templates.
I recollect a parameter that was for listing the names of child collection objects. Based upon your comment above, it is, more accurately, for listing the names of editable collection objects.
I'm thinking, if there was a different parameter for listing the names of read-only collection objects, then the template could process those collections differently.
If you think that would work, I'll start trying to figure out how to make the changes to them for you!
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