Help Needed With Object Model - Will Pay!!

Help Needed With Object Model - Will Pay!!

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David posted on Monday, October 09, 2006

I am looking for an experienced CSLA object model designer who is available to provide a (remote) consulting session to help me design the object model for my application. I envisage it will take around a day to do this and will pay whatever you think is a fair rate.

As I am located in a regional area in Australia I was planning to do this via telephone and a shared terminal server session on our server here. It doesn’t have to be done all in one block, and I may need several follow up sessions to refine things.

I have been using CodeSmith with the templates from the CSLA .NET Contrib project to generate most of my objects, so it would also be very helpful if you have an understanding of these templates.

For more information please send an email to

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