Trying to use Split Base

Trying to use Split Base

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davem1958 posted on Thursday, October 12, 2006

I'm doing a sanity check on the CSLA templates, which I downloaded yesterday.  I'm hoping to use the Split Base option, so I will have two files per CSLA object.  I'm running it against Lhotka's PTracker database, and attempting to replace the ProjectTracker.Library with the code-generated files.  So far, I have not been able to compile.  Has anyone tried this exercise?  It could be that my XML configurations aren't quite right....

The particular error is

Using the generic type 'Matchbox.Business.ProjectResourcesBase<T,C>' requires '2' type arguments C:\VSS\CSLA\ProjectTracker\ProjectTracker.Library\ProjectResourceBase.cs 207 67 ProjectTracker.Library

The code that won't compile reads

internal void Insert<P>(SqlConnection cn, P parent) where P : ProjectResourcesBase<P>


smark replied on Thursday, October 12, 2006


I ran into the same situation. The DataPortal_Update in the parent is only providing one parameter (cn) to the child's insert method, but the insert method in the child expects two (cn and parent). What I did for the time being is to add the 'this' keyword in the parent's DataPortal_Update method where there is a loop to insert or update child objects. So the loop now looks like: child.Insert(cn, this) and child.Update(cn, this).

This compiles the code for me, but I am not sure if this is the solution in the overall scheme of things; I am just beginning to learn code generation.

davem1958 replied on Thursday, October 12, 2006

Similar, but I don't think it's the same problem.  My code reads

protected virtual void UpdateChildren(SqlConnection cn)


_resources.Update(cn, (T)this);

Are you using the latest templates (yesterday's)?


smark replied on Thursday, October 12, 2006

I am using the templates for CSLA 2.1 released on 4th October.

davem1958 replied on Thursday, October 12, 2006

Looks like we have the same templates.  Mine are dated 10/4, although the Zip file is dated 10/11.


rasupit replied on Friday, October 13, 2006

internal void Insert<P>(SqlConnection cn, P parent) where P : ProjectResourcesBase<P>


You should never define a collection object as parent. In your object graph Project is the parent of ProjectResource.

For others who are having issue when define the parent, see my other posts which explain when to use (or not to use) parent


davem1958 replied on Monday, October 16, 2006

I figured it was operator error.  :)


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