Template tweaking

Template tweaking

Old forum URL: forums.lhotka.net/forums/t/1472.aspx

Crestline posted on Thursday, October 12, 2006


Just wondering what's a good way to go about tweaking the CodeSmith templates?  We are new to CodeSmith and would like to tweak the output code to work for us.  Nothing major, but would like to add/delete a few things here and there.  Obviously we can go in and alter the main templates but as soon as the next verion of the templates are released, then we would have to go and re-add our changes.  What would be the best approach? 


paulhumphris replied on Friday, October 13, 2006

Personally I keep a separate change log document of all the changes I have made to the default templates to suit my personal development needs.

When a new set of templates are released I simply have to reapply the documented changed from my change log.  I know its not an automated solution, but it works!

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