help with design?
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ianinspain posted on Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Hi there,
I wonder if anybody can help me with the design of my business object using csla...
I am developing a small property application...
Things that come to mind initially are
Login Table.
Property Table..
and then a subitems table then would have an innerjoin on Property which contains fields like
I want to ensure i do it correctly...
So i presume I need a security CSLA object which would BusinessListBase... a little confused about which i should be selecting... and what about the propertys and subitems tables...
I hope somebody can point me in the right directions..
Thanks in advance
figuerres replied on Wednesday, October 18, 2006
I'd say take a step back and not think of the database for now.
decribe a model of what needs to happen, describe the "things" and how they interact.
when you can draw some diagrams of this then start to look at what you need to save and get from the db.
for example are you managing "Property" as a "Single Family House" or "Comercial" or multiple types?
size of plot is (I think) an attribute of a plot of land - which may have other attributes
bedrooms are attributes of homes or hotels.
who is the user of the app?
what are they doing?
what is the business trying to do?
what is the process?
there may be several table structures that can work, but that should come after you can describe the logical objects the user will interact with.
OBject is not table
table is not object
but an object might use data in a table or many tables, or no table at all sometimes.
ianinspain replied on Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Thanks for the reply.. Ok forgetting DB for now... I presume this is my setup ... that i need.... it would be good if you could comment if i am in the right direction
Login Object - main login object to hold userid and password
Permission Object - is related to Login Object and will hold the attributes i.e. "Can create new property", "Can edit new property etc" etc..
Property Object - to hold a property of multiple types i.e. a House, APartment, Hotel, Office etc
So thinking down the lines of "object",
I presume Login Object would be business BASe... but what about permissions object?
Basically its going to be a small app for allow the user to login, at login stage they will be certain permissions i.e. "can create property", "can edit property", and more in the future.
Then the user (depending on the permissions) will be able to Add a new property, Delete it, Edit it etc
Also the user will have another permission to allow to create additional users, delete users etc..
No really too difficult , its trying to understand how i adapt it to the CSLA framework.... I did look in the book at the sample app.... but still a little confused :-)
Any advise really appreciated
Thanks in advance
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