CSLA updated again! a little confused

CSLA updated again! a little confused

Old forum URL: forums.lhotka.net/forums/t/1526.aspx

ianinspain posted on Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Hi there,

I am a proud owner of the book so taking into account all the changes, i presume the book is still valid for changes up to version 2.0.3   as these are classed as book fixes and there is no CODE BREAKING???

Now version 2.1 seems to invalidate the book - am i correct here... hence the book is out of date documentation...

SO how do i know what to do now? I presume i use this http://www.lhotka.net/Article.aspx?area=4&id=f12cc951-0452-42d1-96a6-cfa7656863b1   or is there something else??

Any advice realy appreciated...

I presume with the next release (.net framework version 3) then a new csla will be published or no???

Thanks in advance


ianinspain replied on Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Also the changelog seems to be documenting what internal changes have been made.... is there an alternative as i am not really interested in the internals working of the framework... I just want to use it correctly....

Is there something that documents what changes (method updates, property updates etc) have been made to the objects hence what the Business Object user needs to know



ajj3085 replied on Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Honestly that change log is the best way to figure out what changed for now.  Read the potential for the change to break your code and evaluate how you build your business objects to determine if it impacts you... Rocky did a pretty good job of classifying how likely the changes are to affect. you..

RockfordLhotka replied on Wednesday, October 18, 2006

I am working on an ebook covering version 2.1, which I hope to have out near the end of November, or perhaps early December.

I could have held back version 2.1 until the ebook was complete, but that seemed unfair to those willing to use it in the meantime.

I'm sorry if you have confusion in the meantime, and if that is troublesome for you, I suggest you use 2.0.3 until the ebook is available.

ianinspain replied on Thursday, October 19, 2006

Thanks rocky... so 2.0.3... they are just bug fixes and i can use the book without problems... Thats great...
Look forward to 2.1 ebook which i presume will tell me how to migrate from 2.0.3 upto 2.1 etc..

Hey no problems.... thanks for clarifying things..... Much appreciated


rxelizondo replied on Thursday, October 19, 2006

i am not really interested in the internals working of the framework... I just want to use it correctly....

Its funny you mention this, I think there is probably a lot of people out there that steer away form the book when they realize that there are 400 pages of nothing but theory before they start getting to the juicy part. I think this is very unfortunately because they are rally missing out big time.


In my opinion, I think the best way to learn the CSLA is to do exactly what you are doing, that is, start by knowing how the CSLA works from the outside and once you feel comfortable with that, your natural curiosity will make you want to look at the code and start learning the inner working. This way, the amount of insight that you will gain from reading the book will be a lot more (IMHO).

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