CSLA 2.1 CodeSmith Templates

CSLA 2.1 CodeSmith Templates

Old forum URL: forums.lhotka.net/forums/t/1528.aspx

Sarosh posted on Wednesday, October 18, 2006


I am using CSLA 2.x CodeSmith Templates for C# and am not very clear on when to use what template.

I want to create a WinForm with three DataGridView's the first grid (parentDataGridView) is an editable parent with two editable child grid's (child1DataGridView and child2DataGridView)

I have created two BO's ParentBOList using the EditableRootList template and ParentBOItem using the EditableChild template.

In the EditableRootList the ChildName property is set to "ParentBOItem" and in the EditableChild the ParentName property is set to "ParentBOList" so far so good (I think)

In the WinForm with one grid (parentDataGridView) everything works fine now how do I proceed?

Do I need to create 4 more BO's for the two child grids and how do I link them to the parent (ParentBOList or ParentBOItem)?

Child1BOList <---> Child1BOItem

Child2BOList <---> Child2BOItem



david.wendelken replied on Thursday, October 19, 2006

This is my understanding...

ParentBOList ->  EditableRootList

ParentBO ->       EditableChild

Child1BOList and Child2BOList  -> EditableChildList

Child1BO and Child2BO -> EditableChild

Sarosh replied on Thursday, October 19, 2006


Thanks for the reply.

One more question.

When creating the ParentBO ->       EditableChild

am I correct in thinking that the Child1BOList and Child2BOList  -> EditableChildList be defined in  the "ChildCollectionNames" property (for the EditableChildList template) and not Child1BO and Child2BO -> EditableChild?


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