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RangerGuy posted on Friday, October 20, 2006

Just wondering if anybody has a good example of how to implement this for NameValueLists? I'm using NameValueList to cache UI Settings etc and would like to take advantage of this libraries memory management features :)

skagen00 replied on Friday, October 20, 2006

Hello there,

I'm just curious why singletons within the NameValueLists aren't an appropriate solution for you. Am I missing something?


RangerGuy replied on Friday, October 20, 2006

I just want to make sure I'm using the most appropriate method to cache these settings for a web site. Found this post which got me thinking about the System.Web.Caching library.

skagen00 replied on Friday, October 20, 2006

Ah, I gotcha. I see his quote here:

Rocky: "Regarding your second point, on the web server, there is a very viable solution there: System.Web.Caching. Microsoft has already built a good caching solution that you can use within ASP.NET. This is often preferable to the Shared/static approach I used in the book because their Cache mechanism will flush itself if the system starts to run low on memory. You can still use the same basic coding structure as I did in the book - just replace the use of a Shared/static field with calls to System.Web.Caching and you are ready to roll."


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