Multiple authentication options: username/password + LicenseKey

Multiple authentication options: username/password + LicenseKey

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Zygimantas posted on Sunday, October 22, 2006

At first, thank you for the great book and awsome framework!

Also I have one question. I am building WebUI and WS on the same business objects. WebUI requires authentication using username/password and WS requires single LicenseKey string. I'm planning to use method overloading in custom membership provider and in the same principal class to accept sername/password and LicenseKey.

Also, are there any examples or best practices with Microsoft CardSpace?

Am I on the right direction?

JoeFallon1 replied on Monday, October 23, 2006

Using a custom principal is the way to go.

You just have to write the code to set the values for the principal depending on which way the log in occurs. Either way the IsAuthenticated value should return True if it is a valid login.



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