FarPoint Spread ComboCellType Data BindingFarPoint Spread ComboCellType Data Binding
Old forum URL: forums.lhotka.net/forums/t/1577.aspx
mbodo posted on Tuesday, October 24, 2006
I have a CSLA novice question. I want to bind a CSLA business object to a FarPoint Spread ComboBoxCellType that will display a combobox control embedded within the grid control. This particular ComboBox does not have a DataSource property but rather only an Items (DisplayMember) and ItemData (ValueMember) properties that are string arrays. My specific question is how do I use the NameValueListBase to create a "DataSource" that would bind to a CSLA business object?
Bayu replied on Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Never heard of FarPoint Spread ... but it sounds like the combobox does not really support databinding.
Is it perhaps like SyncFusion's Grid control? This grid can render 'combobox-ish' cells, but they are not 'true' comboboxes (i.e. System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox instance), but merely have an appearance that resembles comboboxes.
Usually, 3rd party grid controls do provide a mechanism to at least do something that resembles databinding. In Infragistics' Grid for example this is manifested in so-called ValueLists. They do not provide true databinding capabilities, but it's reasonably workable.
So, to answer your question:
- I don't know your particular control, but it sounds like databinding is not supported at the cell level, however you'd better make sure;
- perhaps your control supports databinding differently, or in a workable fashion like Infragistics does
- otherwise: you will have to take the DYI approach ...(do-it-yourself), which is not too hard actually
BayuCopyright (c) Marimer LLC