Measure/monitor bandwith when using remoting

Measure/monitor bandwith when using remoting

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DanielVW posted on Wednesday, October 25, 2006


I'm struggling to prove that our application is not causing the client to exceed their bandwidth usage, but rather their other downloads and internet activity.  The logs that they receive don't clearly indicate what causes the usage and I don't really want to get into packet sniffing and all that.  Of course it could be that our application is causing them to exceed their bandwidth, and if that is the case, I would like to change it where necessary, or motivate why they need to buy more bandwidth.

Is it possible to measure and/or monitor the bandwidth being used, or the size of the objects sent and received when using remoting?  I'm not sure which perfmon counters to look at to get a clear indication of how much data is received and sent when using the application over the internet.

Ideally, I would like to somehow determine and log the size of an object when the server receives an object and when the server sends an object.  Where would be the best place in the framework to hook in to to add this kind of functionality.  I'd rather not change the framework code, so if I can add that functionality to my own base class that would be ideal.  But what event(s) would I subscribe to in my own base class?  Has anyone done something similar?

Thanks in advance for any help,


Fintanv replied on Wednesday, October 25, 2006

If memory serves me right, I believe that Petars Active Objects had a feature that allowed logging of the bandwidth.  You may want to download and peruse his code at

ajj3085 replied on Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Can you break down traffic sent per port?  80 and 443 are typically web, but I imagine your remoting uses another port.

I think remoting is pretty compact as it is, but there may be ways to compress the stream as well... but you'd have to search the net for info on that.

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