Please don't throw me out, I know this is a niggle, but better me than the Apress Editor...
Everywhere that I can find, depen(a)nt is an alternate spelling for depend(e)nt. So for the new 2.1 ValidationRules.AddDependantProperty("x", "y") it probably ought to be re-spelled AddDependentProperty...
In the book, I couldn't find prior usage of dependent, but on page 413 (c# 2005 book): "Sometimes an object will have properties that are interdependent, or at least have interdependent validation logic." So if for no other reason, this should be re-spelled for consistency with the rest of the book.
Not knowing if I should comment on this at all, I showed this to my wife, an English Literature major, and her respose was, "That's misspelled!" - So here I am posting a niggle... sorry.
I hope this is helpful - and please disregard any spelling errors in my post.
Mark Haley
Yep, I do live in New England, although I confess to being a transplant from the West Coast...
Anyway, I did consider that this would be a breaking change before I posted, but 2.1 hasn't been out a month yet and maybe this feature hasn't been used yet by too many people?
However, if I'm right and the editor of the next book, (assuming another book were to come out) wants to change it then, it is certain to be more of an issue at that time then it is now.
Just a thought...
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