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wjcomeaux posted on Tuesday, October 31, 2006

It's been a few weeks and I have heard nothing from Kathleen Dollard on her Code Generator. So far I am running into quite a few issues with it and generating .NET 2.0 code. specifically in the use of generics with collection objects and the base objects use of child collections. I am sure it's not a limitation in the generator as much as a limitation of my knowledge of the generator and XSLT.

So, CodeSmith seems to be adopted here. Is it easy to use with CSLA 2.0 and I believe there are templates already out there for it? Would you guys recommend my moving to CodeSmith and abandoning Dollard's generator?




skagen00 replied on Tuesday, October 31, 2006

For the sake of being on common ground with many other users here as well as the updated nature of the templates, I think it's probably a good idea.

I personally haven't read nor used Dollard's concepts but I do use the CodeSmith templates and think they are very well done.


wjcomeaux replied on Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Well, I just realized that CodeSmith is not free. :)

It'll be a tooth and nail struggle to convince my boss to purchase that, considering it took him a week to relent on getting me the CSLA 2.0 Business Objects book...

Go figure, guess it's back to Dollard's generator and hoping she contacts me sometime soon.


skagen00 replied on Tuesday, October 31, 2006

You can download CodeSmith 2.6 for free. That's what I'm using right now, and it's been working fine.

Just search this forum, I posted a link on an earlier post. If you can't find it, just ask and I'll hunt it down.

wjcomeaux replied on Tuesday, October 31, 2006

I just downloaded the trial version of 3.2 And will see how quickly I can get accustomed to it. It might be worth $100 out of my own pocket.


skagen00 replied on Tuesday, October 31, 2006

The templates are available here:

Good luck!

JoeFallon1 replied on Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Well, I just realized that CodeSmith is not free. :)

But your time is free?

So struggling with a tool that doesn't work right and losing all that time is free?

Codesmith is a great bargain at $100 or whatever it is. I highly recommend it.



wjcomeaux replied on Wednesday, November 01, 2006

I am with you there :)

Sadly, sometimes life doesn't make sense :)

I actually like the CodeSmith Studio.I'm already spoiled by the IDE.

I wasn't able to find that link to version 2.6. Does it produce the same code results as the 3.2 version does? I might end up giving it a shot before I spend the money here. If the only difference is I have to edit my files in some other XML editor then I guess I can deal.


skagen00 replied on Wednesday, November 01, 2006

If you're attached to the IDE then you may not find 2.6 to your liking, but here it is:

JoeFallon1 replied on Wednesday, November 01, 2006

As I recall, 2.x versions are for .Net 1.x.

Codesmith 3.x versions support .Net 2.x.

This may or may not be an issue for you.



skagen00 replied on Wednesday, November 01, 2006

What do you mean by "support"? I am generating CSLA 2.1 code with CodeSmith 2.6 just fine.

Brian Criswell replied on Wednesday, November 01, 2006

It means that your templates can include .NET 2 code.

Bayu replied on Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Could you send me what you have?
You already have my email address I believe.

Let's see what I can come up with.


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