Does anyone have an example of XML that can create a NameValueList?
I am trying to generate a NameValue list that uses the ID field as well as a combination of fields for the value. So a User table would generate the properties ID, FirstName and LastName.
I will let the users Override the GetList method to provide the name in whatever format they want.
Here's what I have so far but it's throwing an Index out of range exception when I try to generate the code from it.
<Object Access="public" Type="namevaluelist" Name="NameValueListResource">
I've gotten somewhere. I removed the ValidationRules and this allowed the class to generate but it
now emits like this
this.Add(new NameValuePair(dr.GetString(""), dr.GetString("")));
As you can see, it doesn't know what properties to get from the datareader, so now it's to figure out what attributes to emit in my XML Metadata.
<Edit>It appears that the template for a NameValue list simply grabs the Primary Key as the value and the first non-primary key property as the name field. This is a bit of a limitation when you want to display a set of users in LastName, FirstName order. Or am I missing something here?</Edit>
You can modify the templates to suit your needs.
I added properties like these:
<%@ Property Name="KeyName" Type="System.String" Optional="False" Category="Options" Description="The column name for the Key." %>
<%@ Property Name="KeyType" Type="System.String" Optional="False" Default="String" Category="Options" Description="The Type of the Key." %>
<%@ Property Name="ValueName" Type="System.String" Optional="False" Category="Options" Description="The column name for the Value." %>
<%@ Property Name="ValueType" Type="System.String" Optional="False" Default="String" Category="Options" Description="The Type of the Value." %>
Now I can specify the 2 field names and types when I generate.
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