Using existing Business Object for my new website project

Using existing Business Object for my new website project

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jphegarty posted on Thursday, November 02, 2006

Hi All

I have used the csla framework to develop my windows app. I now want to develop a web app with the same business objects. My problem is that I am pretty new to building websites in 2005

In My Windows App my Business object were stored in a different project all in one solution and I had no problem referencing them

Now when i try to bring them into a new folder in the WebSite I am having trouble with referencing them. I do not want to change the objects to work on the website as then i would have 2 different sets of object which goes against our philosophy with csla... I am thinking its pretty simple and is not working due to my lack of experience. Could someone could help me with how to do this..


ajj3085 replied on Thursday, November 02, 2006

You should just be able to use Add Reference to the binary.  Is that not working for you?

jphegarty replied on Thursday, November 02, 2006

I just added the new website to the existing solution instead of creating a whole new project and trying to add the existing business objects to that..

ajj3085 replied on Thursday, November 02, 2006

Oh ok.. did you try adding the business object project as a project reference?  That should work as well.

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