Hi All,
I've been using CSLA in my projects sinve VB6 days. Great platform.
My current conundrum is that I want to use CSLA.NET in a smartclient application, and also in ASP.NET webservices. That is:
a) I have a set of business objects that connect to, and use one SQL Server database on one machine. No problem there, just configure remoting or webservices to host the objects. There's no direct connection to ADO.NET from the client machines.
b) I have a set of Oracle PL/SQL scripts that I'm going to wrap in a business object layer (using CSLA.NET). these objects will run the data access code on the oracle server itself. So, I'm going to use either .NET Remoting, or WebServices to host these. I've toyed with developing an ASP.NET WebService to use this, but would like to have a finer level of control over the objects.
My question, therefore, is how do I configure the smartclient app to use my SQL Server CSLA.NET business objects AND also use the other Oracle business objects?
If I configure remoting/web app in the config (CslaDataPortalProxy) I can use only either/or one of the sources.
Has anyone else experienced the same dilemma?
Many thanks,
I'd love to have a way to make this more configurable, but the dp assumes remoting if it finds the remoting info in the app config and there's no way around that. So I'm forced to either hack csla or deploy 2 different apps just because of the app config.
Thanks for the information Rocky.
Although I would like to be using CSLA.NET objects on my Oracle server, I think I will go down the route of making a simple ASAP.NET WebService, and calling the webmethods the client via [RunLocal] and DataPortal_XYZ methods. I could then encapulate the behaviour in the CSLA objects and provide that abstraction to my developers. (Wow, thanks for that)....
As an OT comment, do you know if its possible to use Oracle stored procs (or packages) generically via a webservice, without having to go through the hassle of actually creating specific methods. That is, is there a generic WebService interface wherein I can say something like:
GenericOracleWebService l_MyWS = new GenericOracleWebService()
// Most likely will return XML though
XMLDocument l_MyResult = l_MyWS.ExecutePackage(username, password, SPName);
Actually, do you know if this is possible with SQL Server?
Many thanks,
Thanks for the information Rocky.
Although I would like to be using CSLA.NET objects on my Oracle server, I think I will go down the route of making a simple ASAP.NET WebService, and calling the webmethods the client via [RunLocal] and DataPortal_XYZ methods. I could then encapulate the behaviour in the CSLA objects and provide that abstraction to my developers. (Wow, thanks for that)....
As an OT comment, do you know if its possible to use Oracle stored procs (or packages) generically via a webservice, without having to go through the hassle of actually creating specific methods. That is, is there a generic WebService interface wherein I can say something like:
GenericOracleWebService l_MyWS = new GenericOracleWebService()
// Most likely will return XML
XMLDocument l_MyResult = l_MyWS.ExecutePackage(username, password, SPName);
Actually, do you know if this is possible with SQL Server?
Many thanks,
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