REPORTING - using the MSFT .Net control with a BO

REPORTING - using the MSFT .Net control with a BO

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figuerres posted on Wednesday, November 08, 2006

I am trying to create reports.

I'd like for example to attach my Invoice BO to an invoice report in WInForms using the report viewer control.

seems like the parent Invoice BO works fine.

but the child details connection BO never displays.

I am looking at samples from Here:

that help but do not get me what I want.

can anyone say for sure if this is possible or not ?

I think it may just be a question of setting the right properties....

for now I guess I'll do a proc that sends out flat data or 2 tables of data as they work...

but that just seems so WRONG!!!


ajj3085 replied on Wednesday, November 08, 2006

It should work; you need to create two bindingsources, one for the parent and one for the children collection.  You then need to add both to the report for it to display.

ajj3085 replied on Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Oh.. you need to have a list control which contains the textboxes for the child elements. 

figuerres replied on Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Oh.. you need to have a list control which contains the textboxes for the child elements. 


I am trying to use a table for the details.... so far no dice.

I do have two sources, that's all good.

but the child table just stays empty.

if I try and nest the table in a list it freaks out and whines about the settings.


I know this should work! ( I Guess ? )


figuerres replied on Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Ok here is the lowdown:  you have to bind to the report differently than when you bind to a form!
say you have a BO that you show a master  and then a gridview ...
when you put the master on the form you get 2 binding sources and you can set them like:

ChildBindingSource.DataSource = ParentBindingSource
ParentBindingSource.DataSource = ActEdit

and the grid fills in with the child rows.

with a winforms local report that will not work!

has to be like:

ChildBindingSource.DataSource = ActEdit.DetailsCollection
ParentBindingSource.DataSource = ActEdit

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