CSLA 3.0?

CSLA 3.0?

Old forum URL: forums.lhotka.net/forums/t/1757.aspx

gloehr posted on Tuesday, November 14, 2006


I apologize if this has been asked before, but I could not find the info in any existing threads.  I was just wondering if there was any time frame for a new version of CSLA compatible with .NET 3.0.  I did see the thread in which the actual proposed name of the next CSLA was discussed (3.0 vs. 2.2 etc).  I was wondering if any decision was made on that question as well.  Thanks.

Greg L


ajj3085 replied on Tuesday, November 14, 2006


If I remember the naming thread correctly, Csla 3 was winning by a landslide... so I'd guess Rocky would go with that result.

I'm just speculating here, but I'm guessing that Rocky would concentrate on the ebook for 2.1 before moving onto Csla 3. 

Now since .Net 3 is just additional assemblies, with no changes to the .Net 2 framework itself, Csla 2.1 will run just fine on .Net 3.  Developing with .Net 3 you use VS2005 and there are extensions to add in templates for WWF, WCF, and WPF and CardSpace.  Although it seems only the WWF extension is RTM, I haven't found the RTM for WCF and WPF yet... has anyone else seen the final of that extension?


cds replied on Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Hi Andy

I recently downloaded the Windows SDK for .NET 3.0 and installed it, then read that I had to install the extensions for VS2005. It was really difficult to find but I found the latest one (strange the Microsoft site doesn't easily let you find the most recent download!). Anyway I installed it and it worked fine... for a while. Then, all of a sudden, my Data Sources window stopped working - wouldn't even appear - and that's pretty vital when you're working in CSLA!

Anyway, I solved the problem by unistalling the VS2005 extensions and then had to re-install the VS templates (there's a command line switch to do that), and my Data Sources window came back again, much to my relief.

It seems that the extensions to VS are for Workflow Foundation at the moment. I'm not sure there are even extensions for the other bits...

Anyway, just thought I'd post this in case anybody else runs into the same misery as I did!

Oh, and I got the WCF channel stuff from CSLA CVS and compiled it up, no problems. I have yet to test it though, but fingers crossed it will work against the RTM version of the .NET 3.0 framework.


ajj3085 replied on Tuesday, November 14, 2006

It seems that the extensions to VS are for Workflow Foundation at the moment. I'm not sure there are even extensions for the other bits...

There's another extension for WPF and WCF, I'm certain because I found the beta. 

Anyway, just thought I'd post this in case anybody else runs into the same misery as I did!

Ugh... I had problems like that, except that my assembly wasn't showing up if I selected Object data source.  Finally found the problem... needed some references which the missing assembly used (actually I changed the class so that its references weren't needed anymore).

Oh, and I got the WCF channel stuff from CSLA CVS and compiled it up, no problems. I have yet to test it though, but fingers crossed it will work against the RTM version of the .NET 3.0 framework.

Yes, it compiles, but I don't think it works.  I think Rocky said something about needing to support DataContract, and that was still in progress.


RockfordLhotka replied on Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Yes, the WcfChannel in cvs should work. I plan to formally release a C# and VB version at some point, but I'm struggling to keep up with my schedule on the 2.1 book and just don't have time to mess with it right now.

It is true that support for DataContract/DataMember will require some deeper changes to the framework. The reason being that any use of the BinaryFormatter needs to become switchable so it can be set to use the NetDataContractSerializer instead. This is because the BinaryFormatter obviously has no knowledge of the DataContract attribute.

That change affects n-level undo and the Clone() implementations. I do not plan to make the pre-WCF data portal channels (remoting, web services, enterprise services) support DataContract. My assumption is that if you are using DataContract, you are using WCF overall.

As I say in the roadmap, my current plan is to release the DataContract support (and hopefully some other enhancements) in early 2007.

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