Application Domains / Context question: not mixing each others objects

Application Domains / Context question: not mixing each others objects

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jspurlin posted on Wednesday, November 15, 2006

I have an application that uses a Master database for offices for a single agency.
Each office has a ProviderId which serves as an index on the database.

Is a new object created in the context of the user or the application domain?

Here is the issue:  I am using one web app to service all offices (currently). So when a record is requested, the providerId is there as an index to ensure only objects for the specific provider are returned.

But what if I request "roles for providerId 1" and as the same time someone else requests "roles for providerId 2".  THEN, providerId 2 makes changes to the role and Invalidates the cache. How do I ensure the cache for provider 1 is not Invalidated(). Worse, could providerId 1 request roles in the same context if a <NameValueListBase> object _list is not null and bind to the other providers roles?

I am currently working with the local proxy on a single machine, just getting things set up.

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