Interface suggestion/questionInterface suggestion/question
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razorkai posted on Thursday, November 16, 2006
I realised today that I am forever writing code like this:-
//Clone the object so we keep the bound object in the current state if
any validation or the save fails.
Company companyClone = CurrentCompany.Clone();
//Try saving the clone, and if it succeeds replace the CompanyObject with the clone and rebind the UI
CurrentCompany = companyClone.Save();
bsCompany.DataSource = CurrentCompany;
It occured to me that it would be a good candidate for a generic method such as
static T CloneAndSave<T>(ISavable obj)
where I could make the Clone and perform the ApplyEdit and Save calls on the Clone. The trouble is that ISavable does not include the Clone method or the ApplyEdit method. I can cast to ICloneable to get around the Clone problem, but there is no interface that gives me access to ApplyEdit.
Any chance of adding ApplyEdit to ISavable? Or any other way to do this?
razorkai replied on Thursday, November 16, 2006
Don't worry, found a better way to do this. Simply added a CloneAndSave method to my derived BusinessBase and BusinessListBase classes. Works fine!ajj3085 replied on Thursday, November 16, 2006
Why not just change ISavable to T, and add a restriction that T is of BusinessBase<T>?
razorkai replied on Thursday, November 16, 2006
Would that work for BusinessListbase objects too? Need this to work for both objects and collections of objects.ajj3085 replied on Thursday, November 16, 2006
That's true, it wouldn't work for lists.
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