Error provider

Error provider

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jlazanowski posted on Thursday, November 16, 2006

I have a form that is bound to an Employee object. I have a dependent rule that says if the IsSupervisor property = false that the SuperviorID must have a value.

The rule is the easy part, my problem is with the error provider. It's set on the employee binding source. In the form, I have a combo box (bound to a NVL) to populate supervisors. Because the combo is bound to a different object, the error provider won't register on the combo box which is where i want the error to display.

Anyone got a way around this?




ajj3085 replied on Thursday, November 16, 2006

It should work fine.  The SelectedItem or SelectedValue property should be bound to something on your Employee object, would it not?

I have a similar combo, but it has departments instead of supervisor and it works fine.


jlazanowski replied on Thursday, November 16, 2006

Yes, that works like a charm, of course I only thought of that 10 seconds AFTER I submitted a stupid question Wink [;)]




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